Centrale Idroelettrica Riva del Garda - Hydrotour Dolomiti
Where architecture and engineering embrace water and release energy.
This monumental power plant was built on the shore of the lake in the 1920s to a design by Giancarlo Maroni, the architect of D'Annunzio's Vittoriale degli Italiani.
An unexpected and engaging visiting experience, with original multimedia set-ups; a place to visit, but also to "play". This is a unique opportunity for everyone, adults and children, to discover how water is transformed into clean energy.
The Riva del Garda hydroelectric power station, majestic and imposing, overlooking the lake is a jewel of architecture and engineering and awaits you to unveil all its wonders.
Contact & Directions
Centrale Idroelettrica Riva del Garda - Hydrotour Dolomiti
Via Giacomo Cis, 13, 38066, Riva del Garda (TN)
Weather Garda Trentino and Valle di Ledro
Max Temp. (C): 8°
Temp. Min. (C): 3°
Nov 22
Max Temp. (C): 11°
Temp. Min. (C): 3°
Nov 23
Max Temp. (C): 8°
Temp. Min. (C): 1°