Casa Contadina Cavareno
Visit La Casa Contadina di Cavareno and take a step back in time at least a hundred years away from the comforts of modern life.
This historic residence is located in one of the oldest blocks of houses in the historic village of Cavareno: on one wall there is the date "1626".
The furnishings and craftsmanship tools stored inside take you back to a bygone era and evoke the humility and simplicity of unspoilt peasant life. Visiting it you will take a step back in time and see how past generations lived in Val di Non.
An educational and engaging journey dedicated to everyone, adults, families with children and students.
Contact & Directions
Weather Val di Non
Max Temp. (C): 5°
Temp. Min. (C): 0°
Jan 08
Max Temp. (C): 6°
Temp. Min. (C): -1°
Jan 09
Max Temp. (C): 6°
Temp. Min. (C): 1°