
Skill competitions with horses, parades, and equestrian shows.

The Boskavai is an event that involves the entire Primiero Valley, featuring caravans and sports challenges. It is a lively event dedicated to forestry activities and horses, which were once used for logging work.

Skill tests for log pulling with horses and the Lumberjack Triathlon, accompanied by a fascinating historical reenactment through the streets of the town.


  • Saturday, October 5th

    9:30 AM: Gathering at Loc. Giare in Imèr for registration of the caravan of carriages and horses.
    10:00 AM: Boskavai Caravan, departure from Loc. Giare in Imèr with carriages and riders, parading through all the villages of Primiero with refreshments along the route.
    Around 4:00 PM: Return to Imèr.
    7:00 PM: Opening of the food stand in Piazza Ex Municipio with traditional dishes organized by the G.A.R.I. Group of Imèr and music by the Siver Musich.
    Starting from 8:30 PM: Spectacular nighttime historical reenactment of the wood industry through the streets of the town.

Imèr, Loc. Giare

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