49 results
Church of Bellamonte

Church of Bellamonte

In Bellamonte, in the municipality of Predazzo, located on a grassy...

Chiesa parrocchiale di Predazzo | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Fiemme

Church of Predazzo

Basilica dei SS. Martiri di Sanzeno

Basilica dei SS. Martiri di Sanzeno

The cathedral commemorates the Evangelists Sistino, Martirio and...

Chiesa di S. Vigilio - Pinzolo

Chiesa di S. Vigilio - Pinzolo

The Church of San Vigilio in Pinzolo and the Dance of Death fresco.

Chiesa di San Lorenzo Tenno | © Foto di Roberto Vuilleumier - Archivio Apt Garda

San Lorenzo Church

The church is situated at the southernmost end of the village of...

Badia di S. Lorenzo

Badia di S. Lorenzo

Built by the Benedictines in the Romanesque style during the 12th...

Chiesa di S. Vigilio

St. Vigil Church and the Franciscan Fathers convent

The biggest Franciscan church of the region Trentino

Chiesa di S. Felice

Chiesa di S. Felice

The Church of San Felice boasts frescoes by Cristoforo Baschenis de...

Church of Bellamonte

Church of Bellamonte

In Bellamonte, in the municipality of Predazzo, located on a grassy hillside there is a small church entitled to the “Madonna della Neve”

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Chiesa parrocchiale di Predazzo | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Fiemme

Church of Predazzo

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Basilica dei SS. Martiri di Sanzeno

Basilica dei SS. Martiri di Sanzeno

The cathedral commemorates the Evangelists Sistino, Martirio and Alessandro, who suffered martyrdom in 397.

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Chiesa di S. Vigilio - Pinzolo

Chiesa di S. Vigilio - Pinzolo

The Church of San Vigilio in Pinzolo and the Dance of Death fresco.

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Chiesa di San Lorenzo Tenno | © Foto di Roberto Vuilleumier - Archivio Apt Garda

San Lorenzo Church

The church is situated at the southernmost end of the village of Frapporta

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Badia di S. Lorenzo

Badia di S. Lorenzo

Built by the Benedictines in the Romanesque style during the 12th century, the Badia di San Lorenzo still features age-old flavours.

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Chiesa di S. Vigilio

St. Vigil Church and the Franciscan Fathers convent

The biggest Franciscan church of the region Trentino

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Chiesa di S. Felice

Chiesa di S. Felice

The Church of San Felice boasts frescoes by Cristoforo Baschenis de Averara.

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