49 results
Chiesa dell'Inviolata

Chiesa dell'Inviolata

The Church of the Inviolata is the most important Baroque church in...

Chiese di S. Vigilio e S. Volfango

San Volfango church

Popular tradition has it that the Church of San Volfgango is the...

Chiesa di S. Felice

Chiesa di S. Felice

The Church of San Felice boasts frescoes by Cristoforo Baschenis de...

Chiesa di S. Vigilio

St. Vigil Church and the Franciscan Fathers convent

The biggest Franciscan church of the region Trentino

Church of Bellamonte

Church of Bellamonte

In Bellamonte, in the municipality of Predazzo, located on a grassy...

Chiesa di S. Pietro

Chiesa di S. Pietro

Chiesa di S. Pietro (St. Peter's Church), a gem set in the heart of...

Chiesa di S. Croce

Pieve di Tavodo

Tavodo is the seat of the Pieve del Banale (the parish church of...

Chiesa di S. Silvestro

Chiesa di S. Silvestro sul Monte Totoga

The 13th century Church of San Silvestro overlooks the gateway to...

Chiesa dell'Inviolata

Chiesa dell'Inviolata

The Church of the Inviolata is the most important Baroque church in Trentino.

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Chiese di S. Vigilio e S. Volfango

San Volfango church

Popular tradition has it that the Church of San Volfgango is the oldest sacred building in Moena.

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Chiesa di S. Felice

Chiesa di S. Felice

The Church of San Felice boasts frescoes by Cristoforo Baschenis de Averara.

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Chiesa di S. Vigilio

St. Vigil Church and the Franciscan Fathers convent

The biggest Franciscan church of the region Trentino

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Church of Bellamonte

Church of Bellamonte

In Bellamonte, in the municipality of Predazzo, located on a grassy hillside there is a small church entitled to the “Madonna della Neve”

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Chiesa di S. Pietro

Chiesa di S. Pietro

Chiesa di S. Pietro (St. Peter's Church), a gem set in the heart of Trento.

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Chiesa di S. Croce

Pieve di Tavodo

Tavodo is the seat of the Pieve del Banale (the parish church of Banale)

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Chiesa di S. Silvestro

Chiesa di S. Silvestro sul Monte Totoga

The 13th century Church of San Silvestro overlooks the gateway to Valle di Primiero.

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