Legendary via ferratas

7 itineraries for experts and the hunt for the greatest vista

Your adrenaline is pumping, the sheer emptiness beneath you is mind-boggling. You’ve just hooked your carabiners to the steel cable and have become one with the rock face. You feel every muscle in your arm stretch as you reach out for a steel rung. Silence, concentration and then, finally, the summit. Around you rise countless peaks, the higher ones still crowned with snow. You point them out one by one, recalling their names. Once you’re at the top, fatigue becomes a distant memory. That’s what it’s all about!

The crests and gullies in the rocky heart of the Brenta Dolomites or the jagged peaks of the Rosengarten (Catinaccio) group. Suspended walkways overlooking the Adige valley and Lake Garda or cabled ledges that take you on a tour of the sites of the Great War. The Dolomites, besides being considered amongst the most beautiful mountains in the world, are also renowned for their numerous via ferratas, Italian for “Iron Way”, which offer some truly magnificent panoramas.

Here are our top 7!


Le Bocchette

The via ferrata “Le Bocchette” in the Brenta group is probably the most famous high mountain via ferrata in the entire Dolomites and is definitely one of the most complete and articulated routes. This network of cabled pathways, which covers the entire massif and extends along high narrow ledges, allows you to soak in the mountain and admire some of the most spectacular Alpine vistas out there. Via Ferrata for experts.


Via ferrata delle aquile

If you fancy the thrill of being suspended in the great void, up amongst the clouds, then the “Ferrata delle Aquile” is what you’re looking for! One of the most fascinating routes in Trentino for climbing enthusiasts, it can be reached by cableway from Cima Paganella. Planned with more experienced climbers in mind, physical fitness is recommended. Via Ferrata for experts.

The via ferrata will be accessible during the summer season.


Via ferrata Catinaccio d’Antermoia

The Ferrata al Catinaccio d’Antermoia is a via ferrata of enormous landscape interest, which unwinds both uphill and downhill along the walls of the Catinaccio d’Antermoia. Rather difficult and long, with partially exposed stretches, it includes a very suggestive section through the Vajolet Valley, up to the Passo Principe Hut. The via ferrata leads to the marvelous cross of the Catinaccio d’Antermoia (3,002 m), eventually descending to the basin of Antermoia, with its distinctive lunar landscape.


Via ferrata “Rino Pisetta”

Created in 1982, the “Rino Pisetta” is considered one of the most challenging via ferratas in Italy and is indeed very technical with numerous vertical and exposed stretches. Once the summit of Piccolo Dain is reached, the entire Valle dei Laghi unfolds before you with its vineyards and the lakes of Santa Massenza, Toblino and Cavedine. A via ferrata for experts in good physical shape.


Via Ferrata del Porton

An interesting, mid-difficulty via ferrata, where you will climb among the breathtaking wild landscapes of the Pale di San Martino, in the Dolomites. The trail is fairly vertical, and partially very steep and exposed, and it includes a long stretch to reach the start of the via ferrata; however, metal brackets for climbing progression have been added to all potentially challenging points.

Vallagarina - Mori - ferrata Ottorino Marangoni

Via Ferrata Ottorino Marangoni

Created in 1976, it is one of the most difficult and spectacular via ferratas in the Alps. For many years, it has stood out for its technical features and exposure. Completely renovated in 2014, the via ferrata includes a succession of exposed stretches with a sheer view of the town of Mori. Interesting fact: the first metres are deliberately very difficult in order to make hikers aware of what lays ahead, thus allowing them to end their hike via the exit route.

Via Ferrata Signora delle Acque - Rio Ruzza | © Gloria Ramirez

Via Ferrata Signora delle Acque - Rio Ruzza

It is a new via ferrata built in the proximity of the Sajant along the Rio Ruzza waterfall. The trail is short and suitable for both trained and experienced hikers. A truly unique detail is the vertical nature of its well-built equipped trail, which goes up alternatively along the left and the right side of the waterfall. Equally suggestive are the suspension bridges that connect the various sections of the trail, installed at a height that promises to give strong emotions. Not recommended for those suffering from vertigo.

Published on 17/06/2024