5 important tips for excursions on via ferratas

How to experience the mountains following the advice of those who love and know them

Caution! A word that the women and men who live and work in the mountains and for the mountains take to heart. It encapsulates all the love for and knowledge of an environment that needs to be approached and discovered cautiously and consciously.

Hence, the S.A.T. (Trentino Mountaineers Society) Mountain Hut Association, the Alpine Rescue and the Trentino Alpine Guides jointly created the ‘Caution in the mountains’ project.

They have also created practical handbooks to read and learn in no time: 5 tips for trekking, via ferratas, climbing and high altitude activities.

The following 5 tips are addressed to those who want to make an excursion on a via ferrata.

Passo Sella - Torri del Sella - Ferrata con guida alpina | © Paolo Cipriani

1.  Before leaving, make sure the weather is stable

Consult the weather reports, especially the local ones, that give more specific information. Make sure there are no thunderstorms on the horizon.


2. Always use the approved via ferrata kit

It consists of a tear-off shock absorber with a system of seams that, in the event of a fall, break and absorb energy, and of two sturdy snap hooks, to be used in pairs during the ascent.


3.  Always carry the technical equipment with you

The equipment must include: helmet, low climbing harness and shoes with grip and climbing zone.


4.  If you are going with other people...

...keep a piece of rope and additional carabiners in your backpack, and make sure you know how to use them if you need to.


5. Always remember: use your head and legs, before your arms

If you are an amateur, rely on a mountain expert to learn the progression and belaying technique.

Caution in the mountains: advice for via ferrata excursions
Published on 11/06/2024