A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino

The best fishing spots and some tips by our Trentino Fishing Guides

The Arctic char, called salmerin or salmarin in Trentino dialect, lives in the cold and oxygenated waters of some of our Alpine lakes. In this guide, we will point you to the best fishing spots where you can find Arctic char, and give you some useful tips.


How do you recognise Arctic char?

The char has a slender silhouette, very small scales, a large head and a mouth fitted with numerous small teeth. The back is gray-green or brown, the belly white; back and sides are sprinkled with whitish, yellowish or pink spots. The dorsal and caudal fins are gray; the pectoral, ventral and anal fins are yellowish or orange, with the front border edged in white.

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino

Arctic char in Trentino: where do you find it?

This fish, belonging to the Salmonidae family, lives in the cold and oxygenated waters of some Alpine lakes, like Lake Tovel, in Val di Non, where the char population is still today, in terms of consistency, one of the most significant. 

It feeds on zooplankton and macrozoobenthos, but adults also prey on fish, including minnows, rooted loaches and other smaller chars. Its growth is slow: adults rarely exceed 30 cm in length. In high-altitude lakes, which are poorer in terms of food, chars barely reach 20 cm.

We have prepared this short guide with the help of our Trentino Fishing Guides, experienced fishermen with in-depth knowledge of the various fishing areas in the area.  You can contact them for a day of fishing together. They know several languages and practice all techniques (fly, spinning and boat fishing). During the day, they will show you the best fishing spots, advise you on the areas that best suit your needs, give you useful information about the area, permits, fish fauna, and the most suitable techniques and equipment.

But let’s get back to our Arctic char! Here are the best fishing spots, divided by areas:

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino

Val di Non



Arctic char fishing on Lake Tovel

In a unique landscape setting among the Brenta Dolomites, we find one of the most beautiful lakes in Trentino: Lake Tovel. It is a fairytale-like lake, located at a relatively low altitude (1,178 a.s.l.), within the territory of the Adamello Brenta Nature Park.

To reach it, you have to go beyond the village of Tuenno, in Val di Non, and head to the Tovel Valley along a 12-km long road.

Being the lake a very popular destination, in the summer and on weekends access to its shores with private vehicles may be limited. In this case, you can take advantage of the shuttles that take you to the lake from the parking lot. Our advice is to get information before leaving, by consulting the website of the Municipality www.comune.villedanaunia.tn.it, or of the Park www.pnab.it.

Once you reach the lake, you will understand why so many people want to visit it, and why the local authorities try to control access to this wonderful place. In front of you are crystal clear waters in which lush Alpine forests and imposing Dolomite spires are reflected. Furthermore, a beautiful panoramic trail allows you to walk all around the lake (about 3.5 km; time required: just over an hour of regenerating walk).


Fishing spots on Lake Tovel

Fishing in paradise!!! This is what the fishermen who were lucky enough to cast their fishing rod in these waters say. Lake Tovel is famous among local fishermen for being arguably the best Arctic char lake in the whole of Trentino.

This claim is evidenced by many studies and scientific publications that discuss the presence of this wonderful salmonid in Lake Tovel, verifying its origin and confirming the origin of its settlement.

Arctic char is an iconic fish for Trentino and highly sought after by sports anglers, since catching it requires excellent fishing skills and a thorough knowledge of its feeding habits. Lake Tovel with its deep (max 40 metres) and cold waters is the ideal environment for this shy and colourful salmonid that can only be successfully fished from the shore during the thaw period.

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino

Useful tips for Arctic char fishing on Lake Tovel

Before approaching Lake Tovel to fish Arctic char, it is necessary to be informed about the peculiarities of this wonderful Alpine lake.

It is very important to be in the know when it comes to this spot, as the average depth of the lake and the feeding habits of Arctic char near the bottom, require making certain fishing choices (and consequently the approach to fishing) to identify the best fishing spots.

In fact, it is very important to acquire specific information on this lake because the average depth of this lake and the habit of Arctic char to feed near the bottom require fishing choices (and consequently a fishing approach) that effectively allow to identify the best fishing spots.

Furthermore, as mentioned above, it is neither easy nor rewarding to fish from the shore. Indeed, the Arctic char tends to move to deeper and colder waters after the thaw phase, in which it feeds even near banks, at relatively contained depths.

With this in mind, it sounds obvious that being able to catch the Arctic char with the fly-fishing technique, as it is successfully done in other Alpine lakes at high altitude, is quite challenging. If you have a boat available (check the rental availability at the accommodation facilities along the lake or with the local Fishing Guides), you can try your luck with the spinning technique, using sinking minnows or rotating and, most of all, wavy lures.

For the spinning technique, we strongly recommend the use of small-diameter braided lines in reels with fairly large spool reels and low power rods; an ultra-light combo is absolutely recommended, which allows you to enjoy fishing smaller salmonids, too.

Remember to bring along adequate clothing, to include a rain jacket, and sunscreen, especially on the boat.


We advise you to get information in advance on how to purchase fishing permits, by consulting the website of the Gruppo Sportivo Pescatori Tuenno (Sports Anglers Group Tuenno), which manages the waters of this wonderful Alpine lake, or by writing to gsptuenno@gmail.com.

Usually, in the period from May to the end of fishing (30 September), all three accommodation facilities in Val di Tovel have daily fishing permits that allow you to fish in this magnificent lake.

Fishing period and best times

Generally, you can fish in the waters of this splendid lake starting towards the end of April (check the thaw date, which varies from year to year according to the weather conditions) and until the end of September.

The possibility of catching in the post-thaw period is excellent, when catches from the shore are much more likely, as the char comes to shallower waters to feed as a result of abundant insect hatches. The months of May and June are also very good, while July and August can still allow some catches, although we recommend to carefully avoid the saddle of the day (too many visitors and, therefore, chars stay hidden). Finally, the second half of September is especially interesting.

All techniques are allowed (although, for sporting reasons, we recommend the use of artificial lures, possibly a single hook without barb). It is possible to keep up to a maximum of five Arctic char specimens, even if the philosophy of Trentino Fishing recommends catch & release: the right way to have fun and to make our splendid passion sustainable.

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino
Val di Fiemme e Valsugana



Arctic char fishing on Lake Cece and Lake Lagorai

These lakes are immersed in the typical Alpine environment, characterised by stone pine and spruce forests. On windless days, the marvelous mountains of the Lagorai range are reflected in their waters.

Lake Cece, located at 1860 metres above sea level, is characterised by a marshy environment and, therefore, rich in food for chars, which here reach interesting sizes for the species.

Lake Lagorai, located at 1900 m height, is of glacial origin. Its very deep and cold waters are home to brook trout and brown trout, in addition to Arctic char.


Fishing spots on Lake Cece and Lake Lagorai

To reach Lake Cece you have to travel to the town of Predazzo and, from there, take the forest road open to transit that leads to Val Maggiore, until you reach the homonymous bridge where you can leave your car. From here, in about an hour on foot you will be on the lake’s shore; here you will also find a bivouac where you can rest during your fishing day.

Reaching Lake Lagorai is more challenging: you have to start on foot from the village of Lago di Tesero, going up the road that runs along the Lagorai stream, until you reach the lake. It is an abundant three-hour walk along a steep but rewarding forest road.

Val di Fiemme - Lagorai - Fishing


The fishing season opens when thawing Is complete, usually on 15 June, while it closes on 30 September. The permit can be purchased on the website www.trentinofishing.it or at resellers of the Associazione Pescatori Valle di Fiemme (Valle di Fiemme Anglers’ Association), that you will find listed on the Association’s website.


Fishing period and best times

Dry fishing is very profitable, especially on hot summer days. Even slowly spooling small streamers and nymphs can give great satisfaction. For spinning, you can only use a single barbless hook: small wavy and rubber baits will be very effective on these fish and the rewards will not let you wait too long.

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino

Val di Sole



Arctic char fishing on Lake Barco and Lake Soprasasso, in Val di Sole

Lake Barco is located in an enchanting basin 1904 metres above sea level, at the bottom of the small Barco valley, on the border between the municipalities of Ossana and Vermiglio. It collects the waters coming from snowfields above, and it is partly surrounded by a forest of spruce trees that are reflected in its waters populated by colorful Arctic chars.

Lake Soprassasso, like Lake Barco, is a basin of glacial origin; it is located at a height of 2240 metres above sea level, in the spectacular Val di Rabbi, above the beautiful Valorz waterfalls. It is characterised by the presence of medium-sized Arctic chars measuring about 20 cm on average. Here you can also find brown trout, even if in smaller numbers. The crystal clear waters of this lake are approximately 15 metres deep.

Both lakes are located at high altitudes, therefore, winters are harsh and surfaces remain frozen for 7/8 months of the year. For this reason, fish that inhabit these waters often suffer from dwarfism, rarely reaching significant sizes.

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino

Fishing spots on Lake Barco and Lake Soprasasso

Lake Barco can be reached from Val Piana di Ossana, climbing the forest road until you pass the Malga del Doss dairy hut, then continuing along a rather bumpy and steep path in its final stretch. Alternatively, you can go up from Volpaia di Vermiglio along the forest road to the “Bait del Batisti” hut, where the path that runs along the stream from the lake starts (about two and a half hours walk).

Lake Soprassasso can be reached from San Bernardo di Rabbi following the trail that ascends Val Valorz up to the foot of the homonymous waterfall. The trail climbs steeply up to the top of the waterfall and then, along a flatter stretch, enters the upper valley towards the Soprasasso dairy huts and Lake Soprasasso (a three and a half hours walk).


Useful tips for Arctic char fishing on Lake Barco and Lake Soprasasso

The best times are the morning and evening hours, especially during low pressure moments, and weather and light changes.

We recommend the use of artificial lures fitted with a single barbless hook, minnow baits, chironomid nymphs and midgets.



Paper permits can be purchased at the points of sale listed on the website www.pescatorisolandri.com, or online on www.trentinofishing.it, or on the Geoticket app.


Fishing period and best times

All techniques are allowed, up to a maximum of three specimens with a minimum size of 20 cm. The opening is on the thawing of the lake, the closing on 30 September.

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino




Arctic char fishing on the Valbona lakes, in Campiglio

With the background of the southern offshoots of the Brenta Dolomites, the Valbona lakes, with their circular shape typical of glacial basins, are a pleasant hiking destination.

These are small high-altitude lakes surrounded by a splendid rocky amphitheater: we are talking about the lower Valbona lake (2,046 m) and the middle Valbona lake (2,195 m), separated by a meadow from the upper Valbona lake, the greatest of the three.

The panorama you can admire throughout your journey is extraordinary. The trail that leads to the Valbona Lakes reveals itself as an authentic window opening onto Val Rendena, the Brenta Group, the Carè Alto peak and the Ledro Alps. The view is enhanced by the natural setting of the trail, that develops through pines, firs and rhododendrons. The arrival at the lakes is a very rewarding achievement; the view is magnificent.

In these lakes, one of which is more than 30 metres deep, you can fish brook trout and brown trout of rare beauty, in addition to Arctic chars.


Fishing spot on the lakes of Valbona

Located in the municipality of Tione di Trento, to reach them follow the paved road leading to a disused mountain hut called Zeller, where you can leave your car. Take the forest road from the square in front of the hut until you reach the Cengledino dairy hut (1,667 m), at the edge of the forest. From there, a trail reaches the Bait dei Cacciatori hut, where you can enjoy the amphitheater of mountain ridges surrounding the lakes.

You can reach the first lake by walking along the steep ridge. In about 20 minutes, you can also reach the second and smaller lake overlooked by the Crepèr de la Stracciola peak.

A guide to Arctic char fishing in Trentino

Useful tips for fishing Arctic char on the Valbona lakes

In all Alpine lakes, the best times for fishing are the morning and evening hours, especially during environmental changes. Natural baits (worms and earthworms) are the most suitable. It is also possible to achieve good results with wavy and rotating lures, and with minnows.



Paper permits can be purchased at the points of sale listed on the website www.altosarca.it, online on www.trentinofishing.it, or on the Geoticket app.


Fishing period and best times

All techniques are allowed, up to a maximum of three specimens with a minimum size of 20 cm. Open: Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and public holidays. Closing: 30 September.

Trentino Fishing Guides

Trentino Fishing Guides

Published on 01/02/2024