A certified holiday

For eco-friendly tourism

Municipalities, companies, Parks and Reserve Networks, productive activities, hotels and restaurants: there are many certifications proving the commitment of Trentino institutions and producers to sustainable development. Choosing them means actively participating in the process.

In the Reserve Networks and Parks of Trentino, sustainable development is one of the main priorities. Man is a fundamental component of the landscape, and as such he must manage to blend in with the environment, in a harmonious and conscious manner. Reserve Networks, municipalities, companies, and businesses are committed to certification procedures which certify not only the quality of the services they offer, but also a delivery process that requires participation, sharing and compliance with principles whose main objective is sustainability.

European Charter for Sustainable Tourism

Reserve Networks are committed to a European certification process called ECST: European Charter for Sustainable Tourism. The ECST brand provides evidence of the will to apply the best practices necessary to improve knowledge and support of European Protected Areas, and to improve sustainable development and a tourism management process in protected areas that takes into account the needs of the environment, of the local communities, of local businesses, and of the visitors.


Not only bodies, municipalities and networks: even individual businesses have committed to following the path of sustainability. Businesses that show the Ecoristorazione Trentino brand guarantee a choice of foods and beverages that give priority to organic, local, and fair trade products, to energy and water saving, to the selection of green, 0-Km products, and to environmental information, communication, and education, in order to involve the customer in good environmental practices.

Trentino Quality Brand

For businesses, there is "Marchio Qualità Trentino (Trentino Quality Brand). A quality brand owned by the Autonomous Province of Trento and created in order to identify the origin and quality of food products from Trentino and their production process.

PEFC certification

For those who visit Val di Fiemme, it is important to know that its forests are certified by the PEFC (Pan-European Forest Certification Council), which guarantees that forest habitats are protected for animals and plants, but also forests that maintain their protective role towards water, terrain and climate. It is a management practice that involves cutting and collecting trees in a way that respects the natural rhythm of growth in the forest, as well as reforestation.

Green Way Primiero

Nature as a way of being. Saving energy, reducing impact, saving water, increasing awareness of sustainable development, promoting 0-Km products, improving the landscape... in a word, "sustainability". This and so much more is enclosed in Green Way Primiero, a brand that represents a lifestyle.

Published on 21/06/2024