Le grandi Fiaccolate dei Maestri di sci
The Great Torchlight Processions of Alpe Cimbra... Snow and fire, a combination that captivates both young and old, turning magic into reality on Alpe Cimbra. This magic is brought to life by the instructors from the various Ski Schools of Alpe Cimbra, who gift us with this evening spectacle. Some of these events are open for you to join, too! For info, contact the APT offices at +39 0464 724130 or by emailing info@alpecimbra.it
The Great Torchlight Processions of Alpe Cimbra.
Snow and fire—a combination that fascinates both young and old, turning magic into reality on Alpe Cimbra.
This magic is created by the ski instructors from the ski and snowboard schools of Folgaria and Lavarone.
As silence falls and evening darkness descends, all eyes are on the slopes to admire the instructors as they perform choreographed routines, incredible crossings, and rhythmic serpentines. Countless instructors dance on the snow, illuminated only by the warm light of the torches.
March 3, 2025 - Fr.Bertoldi, Lavarone - Lavarone Ski School - Carnival Torchlight Procession
Meet at 5:30 p.m., torchlight procession starts at 6:00 p.m.
March 3, 2025 - Costa - Folgaria Ski School - Historic Ski Torchlight Procession
Meet at 8:00 p.m., torchlight procession starts at 8:45 p.m.
For more information on how to participate in the torchlight processions:
Alpe Cimbra Ski School
Lavarone Ski School