Lago di Roncone

The highly evocative little Roncone Lake lies amidst meadows and beech woods

© Ronny Kiaulehn
© Ronny Kiaulehn
© Ronny Kiaulehn
© Ronny Kiaulehn
© Ronny Kiaulehn
© Ronny Kiaulehn

This romantic setting is the ideal venue for relaxing walks along a highly suggestive route totally surrounded by nature or a bike ride along the adjoining cycling path.
The Lake which has been awarded with the Blue Flag, is situated in the middle of a green, gently sloping amphitheatre just below the village of Roncone. It is encircled by a picturesque road, which runs through a sequence of woods, grassy shorelines and reed beds. On the plain nearby facilities such as minigolf, tennis courts, a children's playground, picnic and rest areas are available. A number of wooden bridges are used by fishermen, attracted by the wide variety of fish living in the lake.
Around Roncone as well as along the entire Valle del Chiese, there are numerous trout farms that use spring water to breed delicate species such as brown trout and rainbow trout, both the white and pink flesh types. The cool waters of the mountain stream provide breeding grounds for the highly-prized arctic char fish.


APT Madonna di Campiglio
Fraz Cologna, 99
38085 Pieve di Bono-Prezzo , Italy

Прогноз погоды для Валли-Джудикарие и Валле-дель-Кьезе

Сегодня 29° 14°
июл 17 29° 15°
июл 18 30° 14°
Прогноз погоды

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