CIPAT: 022228-AT-066942
Our apartment is located in Godenzo, which is 2.5 kilometers away from Terme di Comano. The termal baths are well known at Euroepan level for curing psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, especially when concerning children. The apartment is the perfect base even for those who do not need health care but just want to hike in the mountains or cycle. There is a wide range of paths of varying difficulty for every person. Otherwise, there are also many other possibilities for those whose desire is just to relax and sunbathe. From Godenzo it is very easy to reach some of the beautiful lakes of Trentino Alto-Adige, like lago di Tenno, lago di Garda or lago di Ledro. When it comes down to culture, there is a wide variety of offers, such as visiting castles, museums or archeological sites. Last but not least are the culinary prelibacies, all prepared with local products.
Trentino Guest CardIf you book here you will get the Trentino Guest Card directly with your booking confirmation. It gives you free entry to all the main museums, and exclusive services. It allows you to circulate freely on public transport.
Иностранные языки
- Английский
- Немецкий
Встречи / конференции
- беспроводная локальная сеть
Тип туристов
- ребенок
- пожилые
- молодые люди
- семьи
Кровати и номера
- апартамент / ы для отдыха: 1
- 2 bedrooms apartment
Способы оплаты
- перевод
- наличный расчет
- altitude (mt. a.s.l.): 538
Удобства / услуги
- WiFi
Контакт и направления
38077 Comano Terme IT
" Фотографии"
Размер 60 m² Размещение 2 - 5 Взрослые , 0 - 2 дети Номера 2 Спальни 2 Подробнее о номере
CIPAT: 022228-AT-066942
Our apartment is located in Godenzo, which is 2.5 kilometers away from Terme di Comano. The termal baths are well known at Euroepan level for curing psoriasis and atopic dermatitis, especially when concerning children. The apartment is the perfect base even for those who do not need health care but just want to hike in the mountains or cycle. There is a wide range of paths of varying difficulty for every person. Otherwise, there are also many other possibilities for those whose desire is just to relax and sunbathe. From Godenzo it is very easy to reach some of the beautiful lakes of Trentino Alto-Adige, like lago di Tenno, lago di Garda or lago di Ledro. When it comes down to culture, there is a wide variety of offers, such as visiting castles, museums or archeological sites. Last but not least are the culinary prelibacies, all prepared with local products.Bed distribution
двуспальная кровать (1 кровать / 2 матраса)
Особенности номера / апартаментов
кухонное и столовое белье, газовая плита, духовка, использование стиральной машины, Wi Fi, дровяная печь, холодильник, кухонная раковина, постельные принадлежности, возможность приготовления, центральное отопление, балкон, Wi-fi free of charge, утюг, кладовая, посуда в наличии, шкаф, ТВ, кухонная посуда, отдельная спальня / гостиная, ADSL, фен, доступные холодильники, стиральная машина
Имеется в наличииИмеется в наличии, Нет прибытияТолько вылетНедоступен
Отстутствие сборов за бронирование
Эксклюзивные предложения
Безопасная система оплаты