21 results
Fontanazzo Biotope

Fontanazzo Biotope

The Fontanazzo Biotope, located on a site of over 50 hectares, lies...

Riserva guidata Campobrun

Riserva guidata Campobrun

The Campobrun guided nature reserve - a wildlife sanctuary in the...

Torbiera del Tonale | © Torbiera del Tonale - Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Tonale Peatbog

An exceptionally high level of biodiversity

Laghestel Biotope

Laghestel Biotope

An old lake with a residual water mirror

Lomasona   | © Foto Archivio Apt


This vast peat bog located at the bottom of the valley is...

Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino | © Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino

Oasi di Valtrigona

The Valtrigona wildlife sanctuary is located high up in the...

Marocche di Dro

Marocche di Dro

Marocche di Dro Biotope bears witness to the history of the glaciers.

Torbiera di Fiavé

Torbiera di Fiavé

Fiavé peat bog is more renowned for its archaeological heritage than...

Fontanazzo Biotope

Fontanazzo Biotope

The Fontanazzo Biotope, located on a site of over 50 hectares, lies in the Lower Valsugana valley.

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Riserva guidata Campobrun

Riserva guidata Campobrun

The Campobrun guided nature reserve - a wildlife sanctuary in the heart of Prealpi and Lessini Mountains.

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Torbiera del Tonale | © Torbiera del Tonale - Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Tonale Peatbog

An exceptionally high level of biodiversity

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Laghestel Biotope

Laghestel Biotope

An old lake with a residual water mirror

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Lomasona   | © Foto Archivio Apt


This vast peat bog located at the bottom of the valley is crisscrossed by a number of small channels.

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Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino | © Oasi Valtrigona - photo Associazione WWF Trentino

Oasi di Valtrigona

The Valtrigona wildlife sanctuary is located high up in the mountains, where numerous species of flora and fauna live undisturbed.

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Marocche di Dro

Marocche di Dro

Marocche di Dro Biotope bears witness to the history of the glaciers.

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Torbiera di Fiavé

Torbiera di Fiavé

Fiavé peat bog is more renowned for its archaeological heritage than for its landscape.

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Protected areas