Museum of the Great War in Valle del Chiese

A rich collection of war material, uniforms and relics from the Adamello glaciers is exhibited

Museum of the Great War in Valle del Chiese #1
Museum of the Great War in Valle del Chiese #1

The Museum of the Great War in Bersone displays an important collection of relics left by soldiers from many nations, who fought in these places. The reconstruction of an Italian high-mountain hut and the entrance of an Austro-Hungarian tunnel used as a shelter and warehouse for the troops are also very interesting.

In July 1991, a group of volunteers and enthusiastic relic hunters set up the museum to remember and provide evidence of the tragedy, misery and suffering of the soldiers and local population during that dreadful period.

Since then, research activity has been carried out along two main strands: the first involved examining documents at the Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito (Chief of the General Military Staff) in Rome, while the second entailed searches for war relics on the mountains, extending from Lake Garda – including the Prealpi Ledrensi (Prealps around Lake Ledro) – to the Adamello.

It is precisely this vast collection of items that is kept in the halls of the museum, where there is a guide who provides explanations on the relics displayed in the various sections: bombs, guns, rifles, bayonets, field kitchens, cooking utensils, camp beds, sledges, skis, sniper shields, dummies dressed in original army uniforms, objects of sentimental value, bottles and inkpots, helmets and hats, plans of the Lardaro fortifications and gas masks. There is also the reconstruction of an Italian army high-mountain hut – a lookout for sentries – and the entrance of an Austro-Hungarian tunnel used as a shelter and warehouse for the troops, which allow you to learn about the diverse and dramatic world of soldiers deployed at high altitude by the two opposing sides.

Contact & Directions

APT Madonna di Campiglio
Frazione Cologna, 99
38085 Pieve di Bono

Weather Valli Giudicarie and Valle del Chiese

Max Temp. (C): 29°
Temp. Min. (C): 14°
Jul 17
Max Temp. (C): 29°
Temp. Min. (C): 15°
Jul 18
Max Temp. (C): 30°
Temp. Min. (C): 14°
Weather forecast

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