86 results
Centro d’arte contemporanea – Cavalese | © Foto Apt Val di Fiemme

Museum of Contemporary Art – Cavalese

Documents, photographs and artworks from the Futurism to today.

Centrale Idroelettrica di Cogolo | © Foto Apt Val di Sole

Cogolo Hydroelectric Power Plant

The wonders of Trentino's power plants

Museo del Miele | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

Museo del Miele - The Honey Museum

The Honey Museum, in Tobia near Lavarone, provides an insight into...

Museo Mulino della “Meneghina” | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Fiemme

Museo Mulino della “Meneghina”

Fassa Ladin Museum

Fassa Ladin Museum

The items and films in the museum help to tell the story of Ladin...

Museo Mineralogico Monzoni | © Foto Apt Val di Fassa

Monzoni Mineralogic Museum

More than 200 different types of minerals

Fondazione San Vigilio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Fondazione San Vigilio «Stuva Nova»

Museo Pietra Viva | © Daniele Mosna

" Pietra Viva " Stone Museum

An itinerary steeped in history, culture and nature in the Fersina...

Centro d’arte contemporanea – Cavalese | © Foto Apt Val di Fiemme

Museum of Contemporary Art – Cavalese

Documents, photographs and artworks from the Futurism to today.

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Centrale Idroelettrica di Cogolo | © Foto Apt Val di Sole

Cogolo Hydroelectric Power Plant

The wonders of Trentino's power plants

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Museo del Miele | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

Museo del Miele - The Honey Museum

The Honey Museum, in Tobia near Lavarone, provides an insight into the magical world of bees

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Museo Mulino della “Meneghina” | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Fiemme

Museo Mulino della “Meneghina”

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Fassa Ladin Museum

Fassa Ladin Museum

The items and films in the museum help to tell the story of Ladin culture from prehistoric times to the present day.

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Museo Mineralogico Monzoni | © Foto Apt Val di Fassa

Monzoni Mineralogic Museum

More than 200 different types of minerals

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Fondazione San Vigilio | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Fondazione San Vigilio «Stuva Nova»

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Museo Pietra Viva | © Daniele Mosna

" Pietra Viva " Stone Museum

An itinerary steeped in history, culture and nature in the Fersina valley

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