86 results
MAG – Museo Alto Garda

MAG – Museo Alto Garda

History, art, archaeology

What to do in October in Trento,  Muse - Trento Science Museum

MUSE – Science Museum

Science can surprise you

Rhaetic Museum

Rhaetic Museum

The mysterious lords of the Alps

Museum of Science and Archaeology, Rovereto

Museum of Science and Archaeology, Rovereto

Knowledge as you have never seen it

Galleria Civica G. Segantini

Galleria Civica G. Segantini

The permanent exhibition is to be found in Palazzo Panni

Pile Dwellings Museum - Ledro

Lake Ledro Pile-dwelling Museum

A day in the Prehistory in Ledro

Base Tuono | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

Base Thunder

In the bunker of Dr Strangelove

Segheria di Ortise’ e Menas | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Ortise’ and Menas Sawmill

MAG – Museo Alto Garda

MAG – Museo Alto Garda

History, art, archaeology

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What to do in October in Trento,  Muse - Trento Science Museum

MUSE – Science Museum

In Trento, the museum designed by Renzo Piano

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Rhaetic Museum

Rhaetic Museum

In the Museo Retico of Sanzeno you find the history of Val di Non from prehistory to the early Middle Ages

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Museum of Science and Archaeology, Rovereto

Museum of Science and Archaeology, Rovereto

From dinosaurs to space, a museum that will surprise you

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Galleria Civica G. Segantini

Galleria Civica G. Segantini

The permanent exhibition is to be found in Palazzo Panni

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Pile Dwellings Museum - Ledro

Lake Ledro Pile-dwelling Museum

Let’s experience the lives of our ancestors at the Pile-Dwelling Museum of Lake Ledro

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Base Tuono | © Foto Archivio Apt Alpe Cimbra

Base Thunder

Former NATO missile base, currently a one-of-a-kind museum in Europe

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Segheria di Ortise’ e Menas | © Foto Archivio Apt Val di Sole

Ortise’ and Menas Sawmill

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