38 results


Featuring rural architecture, Cis provides access to the Aldo...

Tres - Predaia

Tres - Predaia

Tres and the Predaia plateau: walking by Summer Alpine pastures and...

Val-di-Non-Laghetti-dei-Masi-Ruffrè-ph-Stefania-Menghini | © Val-di-Non-Laghetti-dei-Masi-Ruffrè-ph-Stefania-Menghini

Ruffrè - Mendola

From the legendary Burrone della Diavola to the traditional Alpine...

Flavon - Contà

Flavon - Contà

An ancient Roman route takes visitors from Valle dell'Adige to...

Castel Bragher - APT Val di Non - ph. Elena Marini Silvestri | © Castel Bragher - APT Val di Non - ph. Elena Marini Silvestri

Taio - Predaia

A cluster of villages surrounded by fruit orchards: Taio dates back...



A holiday destination scented with apples and pears in the Lower Val...



Hidden in a corner of Val di Non, Rumo borders South Tyrol

APT Val di Non - Bresimo - Castello di Altaguardia | © APT Val di Non - Bresimo - Castello di Altaguardia


Bresimo in the Maddalene, with its mineral water springs rich in iron...



Featuring rural architecture, Cis provides access to the Aldo Bonacossa path  

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Tres - Predaia

Tres - Predaia

Tres and the Predaia plateau: walking by Summer Alpine pastures and mountain-huts

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Val-di-Non-Laghetti-dei-Masi-Ruffrè-ph-Stefania-Menghini | © Val-di-Non-Laghetti-dei-Masi-Ruffrè-ph-Stefania-Menghini

Ruffrè - Mendola

From the legendary Burrone della Diavola to the traditional Alpine farmhouses with panoramic views  

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Flavon - Contà

Flavon - Contà

An ancient Roman route takes visitors from Valle dell'Adige to Flavon 

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Castel Bragher - APT Val di Non - ph. Elena Marini Silvestri | © Castel Bragher - APT Val di Non - ph. Elena Marini Silvestri

Taio - Predaia

A cluster of villages surrounded by fruit orchards: Taio dates back to the Sixteenth-seventeenth Centuries

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A holiday destination scented with apples and pears in the Lower Val di Non  

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Hidden in a corner of Val di Non, Rumo borders South Tyrol

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APT Val di Non - Bresimo - Castello di Altaguardia | © APT Val di Non - Bresimo - Castello di Altaguardia


Bresimo in the Maddalene, with its mineral water springs rich in iron and arsenic and its mountain paths 

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