30 results
Fort Nago

Fort Nago

the Futurists’ war

Toblino Castle | © Foto Archivio Apt

Toblino Castle

The home of the fairies

Hydroelectric Power Plant Santa Massenza

Hydroelectric Power Plant Santa Massenza

A source of clean energy in the heart of the mountain

Valli Giudicarie - Castel Stenico | © Foto Archivio Apt

Stenico Castle

Between art and history

Canale di Tenno

Canale di Tenno

One of the most beautiful villages in Italy

Barefoot sensory path Fata Gavardina | © 2023_APTGARDADOLOMITI_PRUGNOLA

Barefoot sensory path Fata Gavardina

Reconnect with nature

Galleria Civica G. Segantini

Galleria Civica G. Segantini

The permanent exhibition is to be found in Palazzo Panni

Torbiera di Fiavé

Torbiera di Fiavé

Fiavé peat bog is more renowned for its archaeological heritage than...

Fort Nago

Fort Nago

The main exponents of the artistic movement founded by Marinetti fought here

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Toblino Castle | © Foto Archivio Apt

Toblino Castle

The home of the fairies

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Hydroelectric Power Plant Santa Massenza

Hydroelectric Power Plant Santa Massenza

A source of clean energy in the heart of the mountain

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Valli Giudicarie - Castel Stenico | © Foto Archivio Apt

Stenico Castle

Between art and history

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Canale di Tenno

Canale di Tenno

An authentic medieval village just a stone’s throw from the lake

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Barefoot sensory path Fata Gavardina | © 2023_APTGARDADOLOMITI_PRUGNOLA

Barefoot sensory path Fata Gavardina

The simplest and most immediate way to reconnect with nature

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Galleria Civica G. Segantini

Galleria Civica G. Segantini

The permanent exhibition is to be found in Palazzo Panni

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Torbiera di Fiavé

Torbiera di Fiavé

Fiavé peat bog is more renowned for its archaeological heritage than for its landscape.

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