CASA GIANNA is located in MOENA in Strada Cerilo Dellantonio Bora 27 and has an apartment very close to the town center, in a quiet area, all stores and various services are within walking distance from the house, also for children a short distance away there is the playground Fiabilandia with many activities, equipped in the winter season with bobsleigh/sled track, treadmill etc..
The nearest ski lifts are Alpe di Lusia/Bellamonte/Passo San Pellegrino, also suitable for families, with 27 km of slopes, conveniently reachable in about 8 minutes (3.4 km) by car or skibus.
CASA GIANNA awaits you for your vacation.
Trentino Guest CardIf you book here you will get the Trentino Guest Card directly with your booking confirmation. It gives you free entry to all the main museums, and exclusive services. It allows you to circulate freely on public transport.
- Val di Fassa Guest Card
Způsoby placení
- hotovost
Zaměřeno na
- děti
- rodiny
- invalidé
- mladiství
- obchodní cestující
- v centru
- centrally located
- klidné místo
- situované na horách
- private parking
- also available for short stays
- parkoviště
- only small pets allowed
- pro vozíčkáře
Bed linen is on request, bath linen is not provided.
All utilities are included in the quotation, in the winter season the expense of heating is NOT included in the quotation.
We accept only small animals (small dogs), to be agreed at the time of booking.
The apartment will be booked upon receipt of the deposit (30%) of the total amount and will be confirmed by e-mail.
To book, contact the owner directly by email.
38035 Moena IT
Velikost 99 m² Obsazenost 1 - 6 Dospělí , 0 - 5 děti Pokoje 5 Počet lůžek 3 Detail pokoje
The apartment CASA GIANNA is located on the mezzanine floor, without the presence of stairs and therefore practical for wheelchairs/passengers, disabled people, and consists of: equipped kitchen, living room, windowed bathroom and two double rooms, parking space.
Its location is very practical and convenient, as all essential services can also be reached on foot in a very short time, nearby there are also various starting points for walks and easy excursions immersed in nature and the surrounding landscape.
Vybavení pokojů
obývací pokoj, pračka, kuchyň, satelitní TV, dlažba nebo mramorová podlaha, žehlička, dřevěná/parketpvá podloha, TV, samostatná kuchyň, apartment without fitted carpet, trouba, pokoj vhodný pro vozíčkáře, rodinný pokoj, vlasový fén, lednice
poloha/výhled z okna
poschodí: 1, přízemí
Sanitární vybavení
počet koupelen: 2, bathtub with integrated shower
K dispoziciK dispozici, Žádný příjezdPouze odjezdNení dostupný
žádné rezervační poplatky
exkluzivní nabídky
platební brána se 100% bezpečností